Movie Vignettes

"Through Different Minds & Bodies"

By Mindy

Plans of Action (Vignettes 7-9)

VII. Plan I, B'Elanna

B'Elanna had just about had it with the Meadarit. They were condescending, arrogant, pig headed. Everything she hated in alien engineers. She had spent the better part of the day, surgically removing some major components from their warp drives.

All of them.

If there was any chance that they could Chakotay back, she would do it. With case in hand, she walked toward the lift which would carry her back to the transport level. As she came close, a Meadarit captain she had met, approached.

"Good day, Lt."


"Looking forward to trying out some of those new components from Voyager."

B'Elanna looked at him. "Of course, sir."

"Good day then." The captain replied.

B'Elanna continued and stepped into the lift.

"Level please." The lift prompted in a male voice.

"Transporter deck." B'Elanna said.

"Thank you."

As the lift began moving, B'Elanna muttered under her breath. "Up your shaft."

VIII. Plan II, Neelix

Neelix rushed into the restricted area. Captain Janeway had decided to keep up appearances with both groups of aliens. His part was simple. As soon as B'Elanna had beamed back aboard Voyager, he was to make a bee line for the captain.

He entered the high security area. A Meadarit guard sat behind a desk and one leaning up against it.

"Uh, hello there." Neelix said by way of greeting. "Could you please go get Captain Janeway. There is a emergency on board she needs to see to." The guard leaning on the desk gave the Talaxian a heavy sigh and grabbed his security clearance badge.

The guard sitting let out a big yawn, barely concealing it behind his hand. "Keeping you busy?" Neelix said by way of a joke.

The guard looked at him and rose. Neelix followed this action at first with his eyes and then his head as the guard towered over him.

"Don't get smart, tiny."


Kathryn had taken out her guide with a carefully hidden hypo. It had taken her a bit of strength to move the guard onto the bed. She heard the security field lower as she knelt over the felled official who had been unfortunate enough to receive her hypo.

"You better take a look at this man. I think he's sick." Kathryn said. As the security officer came to check on the man, Kathryn leveled her leg and dug the heel of her boot into his foot, then turned and gave him a double fisted smack to the head. As B'Elanna had told her when she taught Kathryn, it worked like a charm.

Kathryn left the room and entered the main hall as Neelix pushed the gangly guard against the wall. She gave him a raised eyebrow and smirked as she headed toward the lift. "We got to get going, Neelix." She said.

The little Talaxian threw the guard over his shoulder to the floor and took a small weapon from his jacket. Aiming it, he knocked out communications. As he stepped over the body to enter the lift, Kathryn smiled as she heard his words.

"Don't call me tiny."

IX. Plan III, Harry

Harry had been sitting in the transport center, working with a young Meadarit man. As Harry took a reading and reported it to Voyager, the younger man sat down beside him.

"You know, it amazes me, Ensign."

"What's that?"

The younger man showed his eagerness. "A space veteran, someone who has lived to see the stars, is still an Ensign and chooses the worst possible duty station to help out with."

"Peace and quiet appeals to me, depending on my mood." Harry replied, entering some commands into the console.

"Yeah, well peace and quiet may appeal to you. . .someone who sees the excitement of space on a regular basis. But me-I want to see some excitement. . .maybe even just a surprise or two." The young man replied.

Harry looked at him and gave him his best smile. "Well, on Earth, we have a saying; be careful what you wish for, you may get it."

"I just wish something would happen now." He said. At that moment, Captain Janeway and Neelix entered the transport room.

"Evening, Harry." Kathryn said, smiling at the ensign.

"Evening, Captain. Neelix. Step into my parlor, gentle beings." Harry said, with an exaggerated bow and spreading of his arms.

"Are the coordinates set?" Kathryn asked.

"Just a moment, Captain."

The young man stood and looked in awe at the two on the platform. "My god, that's Captain Janeway."

"Very good of you to notice."

"But it's damn irregular. No destination orders, no encoded I.D."

"Too true." Harry said.

"Well, what are we going to do about it?" The young man asked.

"Do? I'm doing nothing about it. You're going to sit in the closet."


Harry looked at him over his shoulder. "Your going to sit in the closet."

"Have you lost all sense of reality?"

Harry smirked, turned his head. "This isn't reality. This is fantasy." He turned completely around, leveling a phaser at the young man. "You wanted excitement? How's this? The old adrenaline pumping?" The young man nodded his head eagerly. "Now, get in the closet."

The man stumbled over himself to reach the closet and got into it. It shut and Harry activated the lock. Kathryn looked at him in surprise.

"I'm glad you're on our side." Neelix said.

"I'll meet you both on Voyager." Harry said. He looked at Kathryn. "And captain, all my thoughts are with you."

Neelix and Kathryn disappeared in a shimmer of light.

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